Project Management

In The Built Environment

Professional Building Project Management

in Worcestershire

To Understand What the Client or Company want to achieve; Project Management is a pivotal role in any build or construction scheme.

The role starts from the very beginning before boots are on the ground and we have introduced the key aspects and responsibilities of project management below.

Project Management By David Simmonds

Key Aspects and Responsibilities

Project Planning and Team Leadership

Agreeing timescales, costs and resources needed to deliver a project as well as selecting and leading project teams is important to stakeholders and clients, for the successful completion of the project ahead.

Selecting and leading a project team takes experience and knowledge, whilst directing a multidisciplinary team requires specific manpower skills and communication.

Project Execution and Oversight

Ensuring that each stage of a project happens on time, and on budget whilst to a high standard, demonstrating knowledge of all areas of construction is an important role of a project manager.

Client Communication and Reporting

Reporting regularly on progress to the client and stakeholders requires a commitment that can take the project managers given time not measured in just 95 hours but can often require weekend meetings and communication if required.

Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution

Resolving any issues or delays is a particular skill and requires patience along with an ability to deal with things in a calm personable way.

Multi-Project Management

A project manager can coordinate several projects simultaneously with the support of junior project managers or surveyors.

On-Site and Office Management

Working on site and in the office is a particular skill, maintaining trusted trades and with contractors at all levels to deliver results for the client in a professional and acceptable manner.

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David Simmonds Building Solutions and David Simmonds Surveyor has many years hands on building and construction work experience as well as qualifications. He demonstrates is knowledge and attention to detail when surveying a property. His report and findings give details of a buildings condition and can be as complex as a level 3 RICS survey or rolled out as a simple stock condition survey.

Any survey is a set of notable conditions and observations of a buildings condition. Some surveying may incur a slightly invasive procedure if this is required this will be conducted with a highly experienced tradesman with the surveyor present. All surveying is not an acceptance of legal responsibility if the surveyor has missed areas that could not be seen by a visual inspection or specialist inspection.

David has professional indemnity insurance with Hiscox a market leader within the insurance industry and Certified in Building Surveying Practice.

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