Building Surveying

RICS Certificate in Building Surveying Practice

Professional Building Surveying

Based in Evesham, Worcestershire but also across many parts of the UK

Building Surveying involves many principals, and inspections.

Beginning with an initial walk around the building, to understand the layout and scope of how it was constructed the survey starts either at ground level or from the roof down.

Once the walk round is completed the survey begins… covering all external aspects, then moving on to an internal inspection.

The report is comprehensive and laid out in an easily understandable format, usual in Word or PDF format, you will also receive a hard copy by post shortly after you receive the report by email.

Expert Building Surveyor in Evesham, Worcestershire

Although we carry out many surveys in Evesham and the surrounding area, we also cover all over the UK.

Building Pathology and Defect Analysis

Experienced in all areas of Building Pathology we aim to find defects, decay and performance failures, we often involve a forensic approach to inspecting and analysing buildings to identify the causes of issues and recommend solutions.

David is certified in building surveying practice and has qualifications in building pathology and adaption surveys.

Property Adaptation Surveys

We can recommend Building Adaptations to encompass a range of construction activities that improve existing building conditions and extend the effective lives of buildings. From Buildings and Listed Buildings or Houses in the Howard and Minox styles to Pre War Traditional and Post War Modern Builds, we can survey and look into adaptions and conditions giving a report that will enable your or your organisations to make informed decisions.

Building Law

We understand Building Law Principles, Safety, Sustainability and Compliance.

Building law involves the UK Legislative Framework and includes The Party Wall Act, Dilapidations Protocol, HSE Regulations, Planning Regulations and also involves Dispute Resolution Aspects along with many other complex scenarios, that we can guide you through putting you in touch with our legal team if necessary.

The Small Print. It is always better to resolve construction issues, legal problems and disputes, through resolution and a sensible agreement path, rather than end up in the courts, we can mediate and advise and where appropriate put you in touch with a construction specialist solicitor.

Learn More…

Building Surveying covers a wide range of services, please look at our

Services + page for Corporate Surveying & Project Management. Enjoy our short Blogs and get in touch with us. We like to help, and advise, that’s what we are here for.


  • 40+Years Time Served in Construction and Surveying.
  • RICS Professional.
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David Simmonds Building Solutions and David Simmonds Surveyor has many years hands on building and construction work experience as well as qualifications. He demonstrates is knowledge and attention to detail when surveying a property. His report and findings give details of a buildings condition and can be as complex as a level 3 RICS survey or rolled out as a simple stock condition survey.

Any survey is a set of notable conditions and observations of a buildings condition. Some surveying may incur a slightly invasive procedure if this is required this will be conducted with a highly experienced tradesman with the surveyor present. All surveying is not an acceptance of legal responsibility if the surveyor has missed areas that could not be seen by a visual inspection or specialist inspection.

David has professional indemnity insurance with Hiscox a market leader within the insurance industry and Certified in Building Surveying Practice.

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